See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day

So how did Christian's first day of school go, you ask?

Well, first he got all spiffed up in his collared shirt. We got his flaming backpack together, grabbed all the necessary paperwork for registration...

...and five minutes later he fell asleep.

But he wasn't getting out of his first day of school that easily!

We started out the day at 9AM. We were greeted by the principal and the vice principal we met last Thursday. It's really cool that they were so present and interested in making sure Christian was ready to go.

We then headed off to his classroom, noticing all of the other kids on their first day of school learning to stay and walk in a filed line, one by one. I just kept thinking how we are so blessed to have this day. It could have so easily gone the other way and this day, Christian's first day of school, wouldn't have been ours. It wouldn't have existed. And this day would have been a sad one along with all the other days leading up to it and all the days following.

Even though Christian's first day was different than other kids his age, we were nervous and excited just the same.

As we entered the classroom, Christian was immediately scooped up literally and figuratively by the school OT. She was so excited to see him. She immediately started working with and getting to know him. The PT and OT spent a lot of time with him this morning and the vision therapist popped in to say hello and talk about positioning while working on vision exercises, as well. She said she'd be coming every day for a while. Great news!

We found somewhere to sit, but it was for big kids so we had to modify it for the time being until we get the right seat for Christian.

And he was so worn out by all the attention, he decided to take another nap.

Good thing the aide was willing to sit there the whole time to make sure his head didn't fall to the side and wake him up.

Then we thought we caught some smiles!

But Christian was too fast for Mommy. And every time I'd snap a picture, he'd stop. 

And every time I clicked the button, he'd do it again! Stinker! I'll get it next time, Christian! Just you wait and see!

All in all it really wasn't like a true first day of school. There was a lot of education but it was on my part educating the staff on how to move Christian and how to make him happy. Christian is the youngest in his class so he'll be doing some double dipping in the other special needs preschool classroom. The teachers and therapists invited me back tomorrow so we could smooth out a couple more things. And can I just say that educating people about Christian is exhausting! I just concentrate on the day to day doing but actually sitting down and explaining everything in moderate detail even makes me exhausted just talking about it!

Oh yeah, he normally doesn't sleep this much, but he was so tired out that he took ANOTHER nap when we got home. Poor Chrissy. School is hard!

We are tired and worn out from the day, but definitely thankful this day existed.

By the way, he wasn't the only one with a first day of school...

 Gabe started his first day of 8th grade.

In this picture he's wondering what that funny smell is and why Lola's shorts are wet.

And Lola didn't start school but she was being all cute and yelling, "Cheeeeeeese!" So I was forced to take a picture.


Eliisa said...

All three of your kiddos are beyond adorable. I'm so glad Christian had a good first's to tons more great days to come!

Meredith said...

Christian looks so adorable in his white polo! =) And I love the backpack. Way to go, Christian, on his first day of school! And great job Shauna helping his teachers and therapists get to know Christian, how to move him and make him comfortable and happy.

lucilovesraspberries said...

I thought about Christian all day yesterday, knowing it was his first day. I'm glad you went with him and I am SO glad they seemed to fall in love with him. I don't know how anyone could resist actually!I am going to need a cuddle fix soon. Peg

Thea said...

So glad to hear that things went well... can't wait to hear more as the days go by. Thank you for sharing your special day with us! :)

Kim said...

Oh my goodness, he is too stinkin' cute in that little polo! Happy to hear about a good first day! Kim

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