See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Monday, August 6, 2012

RAWR!!! It's Christian's 4th birthday party!

Happy Birthday, Christian!

We had a dino-riffic birthday bash for Christian yesterday to celebrate his 4th birthday. Yes, that's right, he is FOUR YEARS OLD!

This year I was really excited to throw a birthday party for Christian. I didn't last year and I regretted it. So this year I wanted to make it special and fun and perfect for Christian and his buddies.

Birthday parties for children with special needs can be challenging. Even I can admit that it's hard for me to picture Christian sitting there while everyone else is carrying on, kids are running around, everyone is going about their business. How exactly does that include Christian in his own party?

And I hear about the heartbreak of classmates of other children inviting everyone in the class but not inviting the child in the wheelchair. Or only inviting the child with a disability because it's the polite and politically correct thing to do. Then it's awkward. And how can they participate? When you have a child with special needs, birthday parties, in general, become a sore spot.

So for all of the reasons above I really wanted to put my heart into this party and make it something Christian could be a part of, not just because the party was because of him, but because he could really participate in the celebrating. And I wanted that for his friends, too.

We planned this party for them. Just for them. No other big kids would be running around, swiping things, bumping into wheelchairs, only little brothers and sisters. Nobody would be left out and everyone would be included.


Before we get to the fun, take a look at the spread!

*Dino Bites - Candy coated marshmallow, candy eyes, and Sour Rips for their spikes.

Food for herbivores.

We also had food for carnivores and sweetivores, too. Remember? Nobody gets left out! Even those ont he dessert eating diet are included.

There was also a supply of "Dinosaur Food," which were bags of little humans (Sour Patch Kids) and red fish (Swedish Fish).

And Daddy made this spectacular volcano cake. There was even smoke coming out of the top.

Daddy also made steamy Swamp Punch.

On to the activities! Think's a dinosaur dig! No shovels needed!

I had all of Christian's buddies over an hour before everyone else so they'd have plenty of space and the whole party to themselves for a bit. I hid small dinosaurs in buckets and shallow boxes of sand so the kids could feel around and "find" them. (Side note: Sister went through and found all of the dinosaurs right before the activity. So we had to re hide them. Lola!)

Christian digging.

Lucas wasn't so excited about this part.

Quentin kind of liked it. But he's the oldest and probably way too cool for all of this dinosaur digging.

Lola found a dinosaur...again!

So did Kenadie!

Digging for dinosaurs.

Then after our dinosaur dig we made fossils out of clay by pressing the dinosaurs we found into the clay and drying them in the sun. I wish I would have taken more pictures of this but I was helping Christian and Lola with their fossils. The picture of the very busy fossil...yeah, that's Lola's. Her dinosaurs were fighting and stomping all over the clay.

Even though it was 100 degrees, we had a giant Jurassic Park jumping castle in the back yard and it was going to get some use. Yes, it was hot. But if there is any way any child can participate in a party, it's by going in the jumping castle!

Christian doesn't look happy here but he actually didn't mind it at all. We bounce all the time on the yoga ball so he's used to it. But it was hot! So it was time to get out.

This is Christian's birthday crew!
Quentin, Lucas, Christian, Nic, Kenadie, Lola, and Zac

I just noticed they're all kind of looking toward the cake. I guess we better sing happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!

Look at the cake, Christian!

Yes, he tasted the cake and got a cupcake in his blend last night. Lucky dinosaur.

All this fun can really tire a kid out. Time for a nap.

We had family and friends come and I was happy and thankful for the people who came, participated, and celebrated my baby, I mean big boy.
All the kids got to take home their fossils and dinosaur food. I couldn't have been happier with the party. Mostly, I was just happy Christian could participate and enjoy his own party and that he could share it with his buddies.

All together now...RAWR!!!

*Dino Bites, printables, and dinosaur inspiration from Pinterest and The Holiday Snob.


ferfischer said...

Look at you - you pinterest dork. But aeiously love the "dig" and also the dino keepsakes that they made. I think I'm going to have to think about these things for the girls' bday this year - doing things they both enjoy and customizing things for the kids invited. Or do separate parties - I just don't know. I bet he and his friends loved it - we were there in spirit!

Jen said...

Oh girl! I just love every single little detail you guys put into his party! I scoped out every little picture and think they are just great!

It looks like you all had a great time. I am happy you had so much fun, and could enjoy the day!

I especially love the cake and punch that Manny made too!

You guys rocked it all ; )

Maybe one day your birthday-ness will rub off on me. I almost made it through this year, but almost doesn't count!

Love you girl!!

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