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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Last Day of Preschool

It's the eve of Christian's last day of preschool and I'm baking.

It's for the teachers and the aids. I have no idea what's an appropriate gift for someone who's cared and nurtured your child for almost two years now. So she gets cookies? It's all I got. And it's not just the teacher, Christian had a team of equally important people who had faith and belief in him every day. People who loved on him, talked to him, cared about him, and got excited for him when he did something new.

So everyone is getting sweets with some kind of chocolatey influence. Because that's what I do for people I appreciate. I bake. And just like the very first IEP meeting where I baked for everyone and it didn't quite come out right, it's happening again. Eh, full circle, right?

We went to the zoo on Saturday for end of the year preschool fun. Some of Christian's classmates were there and so was his teacher and an aid of his. Some of the kids came over to say hello and then they were off to feed the giraffe and to see the elephants. I wasn't sure if everyone was sticking together but it was hot and a little chaotic with all the little bodies so we went on our way to see what we wanted to see. And when I say "we" I mean Lola.

It was pretty representative of this point of transition for Christian. We've been in this safe, little bubble - his preschool class. Where everyone loves him. But outside of the class, those kids want to run and play. And Christian can't exactly do that on his own. So we make our own way.

That's no different than the safe bubble of our home and our family. It's business as usual here but as soon as we step outside we're reminded that things are different. And we'll need to make our own way.

But it has been a beautiful two years of preschool. We started out thinking Christian wouldn't be able to handle typical kids yelling and bouncing all over him. But now he loves it. He really loves being around other kids. No big deal if they're banging toys around or yelling hello in his face. He is totally down with it.

I think Christian is more okay with bursting out of the bubble than we are. And who says he can't run and play?

1 comment:

lease said...

The video doesn't seem to be working :(

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