See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Peanut Ball

Christian had a really good day yesterday and today! This is nice because he seemed irritable all week. Probably because last week was our first week back to craziness - appointments, therapies, specialists - after about 3 weeks of rest and relaxation...and no appointments! We pushed it a little too much last week, admittedly. So much so that I ended up getting sick, which is no good for anyone.

We're back to a new week and a little more organized. I've been focusing on making a point to stretch Christian's lower back really well. This has helped to loosen his legs and the rest of his body follows. We've also been bouncing on the stability (yoga) ball and our new peanut ball. Bouncing is really good for Christian and he likes it.

We've also started weight baring in a standing position and he tolerates that surprisingly well. He kind of just relaxes into it and looks around without moving into tonal patterns and getting stiff and arched. After we do the standing position, we take a break. During these breaks, Christian has started independently moving each foot and kicking from his knee. It reminds me of little flippers kicking while swimming. We do this in front of a mirror and he looks at his feet while doing it! This is so neat because you can literally see the connection between the input into his feet while standing, moving his feet, and him watching his feet in the mirror as they move. You can see the brain connection happening! It's amazing! I will get a video of this as soon as I grow a third arm.

Another new thing is that Christian is getting breast milk again! I've got extra so I want to do it for him. If I could have continued six months ago I would have, but I couldn't produce enough. So now he'll get at least one feeding a day of breast milk through g-tube. I feel like it's that much more I can give to him.

So here's a short video of Christian today crying his way through physical therapy. Don't worry! He's not crying out of pain. It's more of a whine out of stubbornness. But he is using his new peanut ball for tummy time. Notice his head control! It's getting better and better!

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing


NuthinLikeGatorMama said...

I am so happy for y'all. I LOVE reading this blog, seeing his progress and you are such a joy filled person!!
God Bless you all in your continued journey!

Unknown said...

He look sooo big, and lookslike he has lots of hair! I love reading your blogs, it really makes my day better:) When you grow that third arm, let me know how did it, I'd love one LOL!! SO many continued prayers you are all sooo awesome!!

ferfischer said...

omigosh! Listen to that beautiful voice! Also, I am SO impressed with his head control, that is SO great, and we have such a hard time with head control, she is very floppy still. And let me tell you, having head control will help him so much with other equipment and therapies too! He really looks great! Love the peanut ball - we might have to look into getting one of those!

Alicia said...

Oh, Christian is doing SO great!! Awesome head control! And I LOVE hearing that whine and cry, such a wonderful sound. Just keep it up, Christian. It's that stubbornness and strong attitude that has made you go as far as you have in such a short time! You and your mommy are such an inspiration!

Cassie said...

He is doing great Shauna!

Unknown said...

Little man! He's doing fabulously! So great to see him 'in action'! Nice to be able to give him some breastmilk too....I guess its easier digested than formula so might help with the chucking up maybe? Look after yourself Mrs Q and hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

He is soooo cute & getting big!! I love his stubbornness, and then at the end his body just looks relaxed. Love the breastmilk idea too!! You're awesome :)

Jen said...

His head control is amazing, made me cry!

He has come SOOOOO far!!!

Sarah said...

Hi! My name is Sarah and I'm a long-time follower of your blog but a first-time commenter. I'm a college student who works with special needs kids. I also follow more than 200 blogs, and I'm sending a very special message to all the blogs I follow: YOU have the chance to be part of a miracle!

If you are a member of Facebook or know someone who is, please take the chance to do something incredible!

Chase Community Giving is awarding $1 million to 5 charities! The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation is working to find a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy - and they could use the money!

Fast Facts:
- SMA is the #1 genetic killer of infants under the age of 2
- 50% of those diagnosed will not live to see their 2nd birthday
- kids with SMA lose the ability to sit, stand, walk, talk, eat, swallow, and breathe
- 1 in 40 people is a carrier
- the National Institute of Health says that SMA is the #1 CURABLE disease if given research funding
- right now there is NO cure and NO treatment
- right now SMA is a DEATH SENTENCE

Want to change that? Vote for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation on the Chase Community Giving app on Facebook! You have five votes to tell the world that you want a CURE for SMA!

Tell your friends and blog contacts - let them know they could be part of a MIRACLE - be part of a CURE - and give these kids a FUTURE!

Thank you!

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