See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Friday, February 26, 2010


We just completed two days at NAPA and Christian is beat!

I can't even imagine what the three week program will be like.

DAY 1:

This therapy helps with strengthening Christian's midsection so he can work on head control.

"Not sure about this, but I'll hold my head up a little."

Standing Exercises: This helps bare weight on Christian's joints. Weight baring is so good for his body. It helps keep his bones strong, and the standing position aids in digestion. Christian really likes being in this position.

Daddy helping the PT get Christian into a standing position.

"All this work is tiring me out!"


Because Christian's arms are weak and cannot bare too much weight on their own, immobilizers are placed around his arms in order to get better weight baring in his shoulders and wrists without his arms collapsing. And it really helps with head and neck strength!

Just to let you know, in this picture Christian is really mad. I'm talking crying, tears, snot, the works. That was definitely a first. But I know he wasn't in pain. He was just being challenged, which is exactly what he needs.

This is a therapy that uses weights and a pulley system for children to essentially "weight lift."

"Day 2...I'm getting the hang of this!"

"Look Mom, I'm a big boy!"

"All that work...I'm so tired....let me tell you about my day, Daddy."

So far it's been a good visit. This is the view from where we're staying. A friend of the family is allowing us to stay here while we get Christian his therapy. We are so blessed to have people in our life that make this journey just a little easier.

If it's nice tomorrow, we'll probably take the kiddos out to the beach. We haven't yet because Christian is so worn out at the end of his therapy. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, but maybe Sunday before we leave we'll have some beach time. I want to put Christian's feet in the sand.

It's been a nice, short trip, our first since Christian's accident. I was nervous about the trip here, but aside from some horror-movie-like fog, we made it here safe and sound and without too much protesting from Christian. As a family, we've always loved to travel and obviously we've been pretty home bound...until now! Just another step in our journey...just another first of many.

Hopefully, we can return for the full three week program soon. I think it will really help Christian to be pushed and challenged. He seems to really respond to this type of therapy. For now, though, he is resting, probably sore from activating all those muscles he hasn't used in months.

He made it through yet another challenging couple of days.

I'm so proud of my little guy.


Brooke said...

YAY! Sounds like everything about the trip was a sucess!! Absolutely loved the pictures!! My fave was the one of Christian and Manny! Love it!! I hope you guys have good weather so you can have beach time! All of you deserve it!!

Caroline said...

So glad you are having such a GREAT experience out there!

ferfischer said...

Can't wait to hear about it in person too! See you soon!

HesterFamily said...

Way to go Christian!! He's got the defiant look on his face - that spunk is what's going to get him through all of this. He's a fighter just like his mommy!

Anonymous said...

Thought about you and your family when I heard about the Tsunami warnings. I hope you are safe and able to enjoy some beach time before you return.

sunflourchic said...

Awesome! Sounds like a great experience for everyone. Glad everyone survived the car ride.

Pictures are great. He looks like a different boy, so grown up.

Unknown said...

Wow....looks like they were really working him out! Love the little baby weightlifting - go Christian!!! He's doing so well, isn't he?! Wee man!!! And hurrah for tolerating the trip so well.

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