See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Boy and His Dog

We are back from California!

I'm not sure if anyone knows exactly why I went. Well, the ABM therapy Christian has done was developed by Anat Baniel. She is based outside of San Francisco but was holding a one day seminar/workshop in L.A. San Francisco is a tad out of reach but I can do L.A. so I jumped on the opportunity to go and learn more.

If you want to get an inkling of an idea about ABM, you can see Michelle, Christian's practitioner in Phoenix explaining the technique to the folks at MetroCare in this article. They visited during one of Christian's visits and wrote about ABM using his sessions.

This is one of the things Christian has gained from ABM...

A boy and his dog.

Here's more. Ruby, our doggy, decided she'd like to snuggle up to Christian. So he swung his arm over her and proceeded to love her.

"My dog!"

You can see the strength in his arm here by how tight his fist is. He closes his left hand often but it's never this tight unless he's trying to use his arm. But here he is actually pulling Ruby with his arm. I thought she'd ditch the whole ordeal, but she stuck around because she likes the attention.

ABM has helped connect his vision with his arm and hand movements to create a movement with intention and insight curiosity. As I mentioned, Michelle spent two sessions specifically working with these strengths - vision and touch - to bring them together and make more sense to him. And since then, he's taken what he learned and kept going. That's some of what ABM aims to do - go with what the child already does and build on it.

I'm glad we got the opportunity to go, but I'm glad to be home.


sunflourchic said...

Aww, how sweet. Those pictures are adorable. I bet they both loved the snuggles. Glad you got to go and that Christian is responding so well to it.

WhitneyBooze said...

I'm so happy to hear you went and that it was a successful trip. I would LOVE to hear more.

That's a wonderful skill - to lift his arm up and over, and actually make a purposeful hold. I am so proud of him.
I know it seems like a small deal to a "neurotypical" parent/kid..... but to us and our kiddos it's a huge step.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, that is so amazing. So awesome!! I am so happy to see this :)

Alicia said...

So glad the therapy is going so well and Christian is showing off his mad skills! I love those pictures. He really loves Ruby!

Lindsey and Santana said...

A boy and his dog. There is NOTHING like it! SO CUTE! He looks SO ALERT! PRAISE GOD! You are doing an AMAZING job with him Mama!

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