See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Less Asking, More Thanking

Every night I say my prayers, usually over Christian. Or one set of prayers over Christian and one set by myself when I get into bed. I say thank you really quickly so I can get to the part where I'm asking God for stuff.

I'm not asking for new purses or more money or a new house or anything like that. I ask for really important things like healing for Christian, health and safety for my family, more healing for Christian.

I have to admit I got a little tired of asking for things all the time. And then I was reading every one's facebook status and a few of my friends decided that every day in November they'd post something they're thankful for. I decided that for the month of November I'm not going to ask God for anything. I'm just going to say thank you every night. Not because I'm such a good girl or because I'm selfless or because I never say bad words or because I go to church every single Sunday. I can tell you right now with 100% certainty that none of those things apply to me at all times.

But I can tell you that I was just tired of asking and asking and it was time for me just to be thankful for a little while with no pretenses or "thank you, but's...."

And how appropriate that it be the month of of my favorite months. So before we get down to the turkey and pumpkin pie, a few things I'm thankful for right now... kids in a nutshell...

...park dates...

 ...the hammock I got in Mexico for $25!...(Score)...

...a hubby that cooks...often...

 ...funky sleeping positions and movement that gets him there...

 ...pigtails and "What's up, homie!"...

...Reid Park where there are ducks to feed and trains to ride...
(If you look closely you can see a train that Lola is riding)

...a climbing monkey...yeah, she climbed up there all by herself...supervised, of course... cool enough (well, sort of) to wear adorable fleece pullovers...and open hands... clothes, tights, big girl shoes, and learning to walk, albeit bow legged, in said big girl shoes...

...lots to be thankful for and more to come!

And as for asking God for things, I've done pretty good. I mean I've asked for the Ketogenic Diet to work but that's it, I swear.


Anonymous said...

you dont know me, but I learned of you through someone else. I am a married mother of 5. I have been watching and praying for you since all of this began. I have seen your life unfold through your posts. Christ in you is amazing and tireless. You are very blessed. Attitude and heart are so essential. I love your family. May God richly bless all of you for many years to come. Happy Thanksgiving.

Jendioguardi said...

Shauna, these are so precious. I love following your family and watching the kids get older, bigger, stronger, healthier, etc. Your faith is stronger than anyone else I know. God knows you are thankful, grateful, and faithful. Bless you for putting all of your wants and needs aside and strictly praying in thanks. So many people take advantage of this and are upset when things don't happen as they've "asked" them to. You are different. You see God's work in a different perspective. We can all learn for you. You are truly an example of an angel on Earth. XOXO

HesterFamily said...

This was just what I needed to hear! I think I caught your grey mood. I've found myself over the last few days stuck in the world of "what ifs". It started with me stumbling upon the website. There I found stories that were so much like Cadence's that I was excited at first. Until I realized all the stories were of struggles with medications and seizure control and regression. I really have never let myself think that part of the story could be ours until then. But once I did it was all consuming. What if this is the best part of our story and it all just gets worse? But you are a reminder, yet again, that there is so much to be thankful for. I am thankful for my adorable, silly, loving little man. He may not have a lot to say, but he finds laughter in so much and shares that with us constantly. And I'm thankful for doctors who are along for the ride with us. And for Shauna's who remind us that life is a blessing - even when it takes you places you've never expected! Thank you again, Shauna, for sharing your story and your family with the rest of us. You are trully blessed and are a blessing for us!

Kelle said...

Thank you for your comment. Just read your story...thank you for sharing. Christian is a beautiful child, and I can't imagine the gratitude you are feeling for his life right now.

Much love to you and your family!

Shauna Quintero said...

Thank you guys so much for your comments! They are so lovely and meaningful! I'm touched by all of your words.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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