See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Auction Time!

The time has come!

It's auction time, baby!

Well, at least it's auction preview time.

We were able to get a lot of awesome donations! I am always so pleasantly surprised by those who are so willing to

The auction will begin April 3rd at 12 noon, central time and it will continue for one whole week, closing at 12 noon on April 10th.

The auction is blog style (I call it a blogction). Which means it's run much like this blog only instead of placing a comment, you'll place a bid! So easy!

We've got some really cool items including hand made jewelry, beautiful prints, cool children's clothing, glass fortune cookies, and tons more stuff.

Here is the link... I will also have one in the sidebar to the right.

We'll also be adding new items every day until the auction. So not only is what you see available for bidding, but there will be more! Yes, more!

Why are we holding an auction?

I promised Christian and I promised God that I would do whatever it took to help Christian recover. I intend to follow through with that promise if it takes my entire life. Because I take this promise seriously, I'm always looking for alternative methods and therapies that may help Christian get that much better that much quicker. 100% of this auction will go toward helping me uphold that promise.

A big thanks to EVERYONE who donated. And a ginormous THANKS to Pam Nichol for all of her help (this is such an understatement) and putting up with my constant barage of facebook messages. And additional THANKS to Jenny Fischer for being my auction role model and letting me steel stuff from her.

Have fun bidding!

1 comment:

sunflourchic said...

Thank you for letting me help, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. So glad Christian is here and you are an inspiration. Thank you!

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