See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Surround Me

Look what Christian got in the mail today...

You know all those August Mommies I always mention?

Well, they struck again. They are an amazing group of women who I've known well over two years now. When Christian had his accident, the August Mommies banned together and created this support system like no other support system I've ever experienced. I mean these women are truly amazing. I'm honored to be a part of them.

Anyway, the August Mommies decided to give something amazing to Christian (Yes, Again!). They created this quilt made up of quilt squares from each August Mommy and their August Babies.

I knew it was being constructed from the posts on our message board, but I never peeked. Not once.

When I opened the package that arrived today, I knew what it was by the sender - my August Mommy buddy, Eliisa.
I unwrapped it, pulled out the quilt, and unfolded it.

I was overwhelmed. Just overwhelmed.

Each quilt square was so creative, so special, so personal. I can't even put it into words.

I don't normally cry over gifts. I really don't. But I cried reading each quilt square.

Tears down the face.

It came at the perfect time. After having a week that has been so emotionally exhausting (and it's only Wednesday), this quilt landed in my arms and made me feel like we were never alone.

I told them I will make Christian use this quilt until he's an old man, but I almost want to hang it on the wall! It's so beautiful!

Thank you is not enough and never will be.

I only hope that I have the tiniest bit of kindness these women have to pass along to others who are facing mountains to climb. They have inspired me. These women are proof that when people mobilize they can move those mountains. They've made such a difference in our lives.

I hope they know.

And I hope they know that now their love and prayers will surround Christian forever.


Meredith said...

What a gorgeous quilt and an amazing gift! Christian looks so sweet sleeping under it. I am so glad that this group of wonderful women has supported you!

Eliisa said...

<3 Shauna! I love the pic of Christian with his quilt! I'm so glad you love was made with exactly the idea that you mentioned. Even though we can't all personally give Christian (and you) daily hugs and physically surround you with love, we can do it through the quilt. WE'RE honored that YOU'RE a part of the group. We love you and Christian and Gabe and Manny and Lola so much!

Unknown said...

the most amazing quilit! love it! good job august mommas! it's quite obvious that christian loves it!

The Lesters said...

Not sure if I've ever commented before but I have been reading your blog for a while now and love reading about all of Christians progress. The quilt is absolutely gorgeous!

Unknown said...

:o) And what Eliisa said....word for word!

Jessica said...

Ditto Eliisa's sentiments...couldn't have said it better :)

Alicia said...

The most beautiful gift! Truly from the heart. Wonderful group of ladies you have behind you, Christian and the rest of the family.

Have an awesome weekend!

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