See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Sprout in Denver

We made it! We're in Denver.

What are we doing in Denver? Well, we're trying a new therapy called ABM. This therapy is essentially the opposite idea of traditional therapy. It is a little complicated to explain, but it encourages the brain to work with the body through gentle movements, while at the same time, encouraging the child to initiate movement on their own rather than being forced.

This is the opposite of what we just did in L.A. two weeks ago. We're trying both and where ever we see progress is where we'll go and what we'll pursue.

So, yeah, we're in Denver. We have a few other things we're looking into, some more visiting of loves ones to do, the boys will attempt snow boarding, and in between therapies, the babies and I will be hoping for just a little snow fall. It's not something we Arizonans come by often so it's always nice to see a little fall. But just a little. Let's not get carried away.

Wanna hear something new?

First let me reiterate that Christian and his lower body do not see eye to eye. In fact, it's my theory that most of the time he doesn't even realize he has legs to move. Most of the time his legs are stretched out in extension, but they're getting better.

Christian moves his hands and arms all the time, though. I've said that if he could walk with his hands, we may be able to get somewhere. His legs...not so much. He can feel sensations in his legs and responds to stimulus but he rarely...ever moves them.

But things are a changin'.

Christian can now turn from his side to his back. Well, that's easy, you say! Sure is, but not for Christian. This takes coordination with the upper body, followed by the lower body. And in the last week, he's managed to figure it out. It's so small a movement but such a big deal. Because if he can begin with this, it's a bridge to the next step. It's learning to crawl before he can walk, figuratively...kind of.

And it's an even bigger deal that he can move his leg over purposely with a brace on because it adds a tiny bit of extra weight to his leg.

Take a look at what I'm trying to explain...

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

This is big to me. So big. It means we are getting somewhere with movement. It means he's making a choice that he doesn't want to be on his side. He wants to be on his back. He's making a choice.

I can't explain it any better than to say that somewhere along the way a seed was planted - whether it was through therapy, stretching, weight baring, or just plain healing. And that seed has sprouted.

Now my job is to find the right type of water, soil, and just the right amount of sunlight to help this sprout grow.

Maybe I can find a garden center in Denver.

I'll keep you posted!


Alicia said...

Oh Shauna, that video is AWESOME!!! I love watching Li'l Superman progress, such an inspiration!

Glad you made it safe to D-Town. Hopefully we can hook up, although our week looks a little busy at this point. But let me know what you think.

Sophie said...

I hope you'll get to known Cici in Denver!!! Good Luck!!!!

Jessica said...

LOVE the video! I am awed everyday by the strides he is making. How wonderful to see him moving and making choices.

HeatherS said...

Loved the video! Let me know when you're in Denver, maybe we can meet up. Where do you guys live?

I'm so glad you were okay with the comment on the Stalker site. I was very nervous about posting it. Samantha's issue is genetic but I've saw the effect the video had on my friends whose kiddos have been impacted and changed with an ataxic injury...we all need a miracle don't we? I hope they don't forget this community.

Keep watering :)

Wendy said...

Hi Shauna,
I check out your blog everyday, my son is also a near drown victim. I so understand your excitement about every little bit of progress because any progress is BIG. I am so happy about the voluntary movement and the trach. Your boy is amazing.... and so are you.

Colton's Journey said...

HOW that video was awesome! I was in tears. You are doing such and awesome job- and go super MAN!!!!

Unknown said...

Hurrah Christian! Go, go, go little man!!! Lol...I was on the edge of my seat (not that he *needed* the encouragement!) and then hurrah!!!!! Ahh....brilliant! Hurrah for decisive moves! :o)

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