See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Seeing Sea World!

We took a family road trip over the weekend to visit Sea World and we had a blast!

Thinking about our trip, I realized that not once did we have to worry about accessibility. We were able to easily navigate the entire park without a single set back. The weather was a teeny tiny bit cool, but otherwise perfect.

One of the great things about Sea World is that they have an entire area completely dedicated to busying little ones. It is perfect for expending the energy of a little girl so she could sit semi-nicely while watching the Elmo 4-D show.

She loved it!

Christian really enjoyed himself, too. How could we tell? Well, he hardly made a whine, cry, or contesting peep the entire day! And he didn't take his regularly scheduled nap! There was just too much to take in and he was quite content in just hanging out and taking everything in.

Lola got to meet her buddies Elmo and Telly from Sesame Street. She was unsure at first, but quickly warmed up when Elmo tickled her under her chin.

My big kid enjoyed himself, too. Of course, in the coolest, most nonchalant way possible.

We got to enjoy these gorgeous creatures up close...

...and these very scary creatures.

I don't care how old you are, the Shamu show takes the cake, seriously. It's amazing. It's just as amazing as it was when I was eight years old.

Num num num.

My favorite part is when Shamu poses on his platform and everyone stands up and takes a picture in simultaneous amazement.

While watching the show, I was thinking about how I was so excited to bring my kids to Sea World. It's kind of a gift for them but it's really a gift to me. The experience of seeing my kids watching Shamu for the first time is this moment I want to bottle up and keep forever. Having kids and creating memories is the. best. ever. They make things so much more fun!

Sea World is really a great place for kids with special needs. It's very accessible, it's really relaxed and we didn't feel a rush to do anything in particular than just be in the moment. There is a ton of sensory exploration, but it's serene and calm so there's no overload.

So much to see!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I just love all these pictures. So happy you guys got away and had such a good time! I just wish you could have traveled by way of Roseville, California ; )))

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