See Christian and Lola's ISR video!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Easter has landed. And we had a good one.

With our hospital stay coming up this week, I was bound and determined to have a solid, family centered Easter! And that means continuing our family tradition of Easter baskets on Easter Sunday morning!

I thought the super soft, stuffed bunnies that are almost as big as Lola and Christian might be a little overboard. But then I thought about our impending hospital stay and how this type of life is guaranteed to have highs and lows and a lot of crap we have to deal with, especially Christian. Overboard? Ppppssshhh!

The bunnies were coming home with me.

And the Easter bunny promptly delivered the bunnies to two very deserving children.


The bunnies were a better idea than I thought! They are big enough for snuggling, Lola used hers as a blanket when she fell asleep in the living room, and it's a great tool for positioning with Christian. Bonus!

And, no, I didn't forget Gabe! He got a big kid "basket."

As I mentioned, baskets are a tradition. And I really try hard to make them as personalized as possible, including a lot of my kids'/husband's faves. You'll also notice in each basket is a toothbrush. That's a family tradition, too.

Speaking of personalization, it can be a little more challenging looking for basket goodies for Christian. But then I remembered to think simple and it was easier than I thought.

Christian got two books, one is Spongebob and one is about Oscar the Grouch. I thought it was fitting since Christian can be such a grouch and it's a textured book. He also got a squishy, rubber snake, a bright, yellow dinosaur, and new pinwheel. He got some cool sensory toys, one of which does not appear in this picture because little sister already swiped it. He also got the traditional toothbrush (it vibrates, more sensory!), and a chocolate bunny. I'm totally putting it in his blend.

But what's more sensory stimulating than that awful plastic grass?! It's not an Easter basket if you don't have messy, plastic grass that you're picking out of the carpet for months, right?!

Ahh, tradition.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! We're getting ready for our very first hospital stay.

And bunny is coming with us.


Jen said...

Hey Girl! I have missed you! Time has definitely had its way with reading style! It's time to catch up in the comments section!

I just love all these pictures and I always love to read what you put in stockings, and easter baskets. So cute that you include a toothbrush!

Jen said...

I think my comment just went through on this one....right? It flashed weirdly?

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